We as humans have a tendancy to question things, good or bad, that we don't quite understand. When good things happen we sometimes feel they are too good to be true and literally wait for this good thing to vanish, end, or take a turn for the worse.
When did that happen? When did we start thinking of ourselves as so unworthy that when something good happens, we immediately start thinking what is wrong with this? When will it end? What am I going to do to screw it up? And before we know it we end up bringing the very worst into our lives and then saying 'I knew it!' Self-sabotage - when did this strain seep into our existence?
Sometimes in life, when you least expect it, you get what it is that you have been looking for. The trick is accepting it for what it is for as long as that moment lasts, for as long as it carries you.
Good things do happen and I wager they would happen more often if we allowed them to. I am beginning to see that. A few months ago, I thought my life would end, I thought I would quit my job, quit school, change profession and eventually start over somewhere else.
The Universe knew different, kept me in place and helped me weather one of the toughest periods of my life to date. I have been slowly picking up speed, realizing my worth, my strengths, my weaknesses and figuring out who I am.
Everything in my life is taking an up-turn, with school, work, friendships, love... it is all falling into place. I simply didn't think it would happen so soon or this year, I knew it would happen, I just didn't know when. Turns out the moment I let go & let the universe ... it all just happened.
I am not questioning it, or fretting about the what ifs or entertaining the when will it end questions.. I am letting this moment carry me and I am thankful for it every day...
Thank you Universe!!!