Sometimes we really put ourselves in situations that we think are the 'begin all - end all' of our very existence. I am beginning to see that it really isn't ever that serious. My sister's wise words are really starting to sink in now. That person that you think is all that and a bag of chips today, could be tomorrows 'chopped liver'. We paralyze ourselves waiting on this one person and hoping that someday, sooner rather than later, he will come to the gate and let us in. So when dozens of potential suitors pass along and call out to us, we wave them off saying we are waiting for someone. Someone who we dont even know is home, someone who may or may not come to the gate, someone who may or may not let us in.
Thing is life needs to go on. Your life cannot or should not stop because you are 'waiting on' this magnificent person to take notice of you. If he really is that in to you, he will come find you where you are. So take a walk with one of those suitors, see where it goes, if Mr. Magnificent comes to the gate and finds you gone, he will look for you if he really wants to be with you. When he finds you he will do whatever he needs to do to get you back to his gate and into his house. That is a battle that he needs to fight. No need to put your life on hold for him in the name of 'making things easy' or 'making sure we don't miss out on something good'. There is plenty of good out there we just need to be open to seeing and finding it.
I recently experienced that 'waiting at the gate' scenario. Held on subconsciously for the longest time. Making up excuses and coming up with reasons as to why it was necessary for me to keep that door open, convincing myself that he knew I was waiting and soon soon he would come to the gate. One day I was convinced all the stars were aligned and it was necessary for me to knock on the gate and announce myself - and I waited and waited for Mr. Magnificent to come to the gate... The reception I got wasn't quite what I thought it would be. Instead of the 'oh my gosh have you been out here all this time? come in!!!' reception I got a 'oh, you are still here, give me a minute.' more of the 'now is not a good time, but if you knock again next week, I am sure I can make time for you'. Yeah, not what I had imagined... instead of the romance, the dining, the dancing, the laughs, the love making, I got a 'now isn't convenient for me, but if you do x,y and z to make it convenient for me, then I will fit you in to my schedule.'
That is when it hit me - it really isn't that serious. If you are in to me, then hey you will make the time. If I meet you half way, you will make the time, you won't ask me to walk the rest of the way to you. In that moment you can decide to walk the rest of the way or walk away. Simple as. I realized you can spend so much time building castles in the air, and waiting for the stars to be aligned perfectly, and it may or may not amount to anything. So what's the point in sitting around waiting for this person? live your life. If they come to the gate, find you gone and come look for you, great! If not then at least you have been out living your life and you can continue to do so. There are plenty of Mr. Magnificents out there - so why limit yourself to waiting at one gate - get out there and live. I am certainly doing that now. No more waiting and no more settling for me.